GraphQL feat API Gateway

GraphQL, REST, gRPC, Thrift… Have you ever imagined how to stick these together in a micro-services architecture and expose to the world? There are some common ways to do it, such as using Nginx or Kong. But, an alternative way to do this is by using GraphQL in front of all services....

 · 10 min

Kubernetes devops productivity hacks

Today, Kubernetes is the de facto container orchestration solution. Together with the devops culture, developers have to get familiarised to its tools, such as kubectl. But how do we go beyond kubectl?...

 · 6 min

A guide on npm package publishing

If you are not new in the JavaScript world, you might have already heard about npm. It is a package manager which lets developers easily add dependencies to projects, as npm install hello-world. But, have you ever asked, How do I create and publish my own packages...

 · 7 min

A Tale Of How To Not Deploy Two Months Old Features

There is one big and very special date on the e-commerce and retail market and it is called Black Friday. For many, it means “discount prices”, “sale!”, “50% off”, but for developers and IT people it is a challenging adventure....

 · 8 min

Joi: validate input and define databases in JavaScript

As the saying goes: never trust user input. People coming from PHP and Java have many validation libraries available. But what about JavaScript? There are some options, but none seems more interesting than Joi....

 · 6 min

Still using GitFlow? What about a simpler alternative?

GitFlow is a branching model created by Vincent Driessen on 2010. Since it was published, many companies had tested and implemented it, which allows us to have many reviews about how well (or not) it works. After some discussions within our team, we decided to not go with GitFlow, but use a simpler model instead, together with a tightly defined workflow....

 · 6 min

Are you using git push force? Oh mate, you are doing it wrong!

You are developing some feature together with your team. Most likely you have done the usual dance: checkout a branch from the master or development branch, done your commits, pushed this feature branch to the remote and opened a push request for peer review. In ideal cases, you will be able to just squash and merge after some reviews and fixes. But, the world is not ideal (as you might know), and maybe one of your mates modified the same files and already merged it. So, surprise surprise, you got a merge conflict to resolve! This usually means you will need to do a git rebase before merging....

 · 2 min